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- 陈专专,李先锋,仲敏,葛家奇,范晓磊,张昌泉,刘巧泉.籼稻背景下抑制不同ALK等位基因表达对稻米品质的影响.中国水稻科学,2019,(6)513-522.
- 李钱峰,周豫,熊敏,任新雨,韩立,王劲东,刘巧泉,张昌泉.Gibberellin recovers seed germination in rice with impaired brassinosteroid signalling.PLANT SCIENCE,2020,293
- 赵冬生,刘金钰,丁蔼秋,张涛,任新雨,张林,张昌泉.Improving grain appearance of erect-panicle japonica rice cultivars by introgression of the null gs9 allele.JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE,2021,20(8)2032-2042.
- 张林,邹怡婷,卞中,谢东,尹嘉言,范晓磊,赵冬生,刘巧泉.Fine Mapping and Candidate Gene Prediction of the Quantitative Trait Locus qPL8 for Panicle Length in Rice.PHYTON-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2021,90(3)789-802.
- 张林,谢东,卞中,邹怡婷,周涵,蔡文璐,尹嘉言,刘巧泉.Exploration and Validation of the Potential Downstream Genes Underlying ipa1-2D Locus for Rice Panicle Branching.PHYTON-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2021,90(3)773-787.
- 杨晴晴,俞慧娴,吴宏玉,张昌泉,辛世文,刘巧泉.Lysine biofortification in rice by modulating feedback inhibition of aspartate kinase and dihydrodipicolinate synthase.PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL,2021,19(3)490-501.
- 赵冬生,丁蔼秋,封功能,崔覃,张昌泉,刘巧泉.一个受温度调控的水稻穗发育突变体.植物生理学报,2020,56(10)2149-2158.
- 范晓磊,李应秋,张昌泉,李恩鹏,陈专专,李钱峰,刘巧泉,朱韵.Effects of high temperature on the fine structure of starch during the grain-filling stages in rice: mathematical modeling and integrated enzymatic analysis.JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE,2019,99(6)2865-2873.
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- 陆彦,张昌泉,刘巧泉,张晓敏,祁琰,凌裕平.不同透明度水稻籽粒横断面扫描电镜分析.中国水稻科学,2018,(2)189-199.
- 李钱峰,鲁军,周豫,吴凡,童红宁,王劲东,刘巧泉,余佳雯.Abscisic Acid Represses Rice Lamina Joint Inclination by Antagonizing Brassinosteroid Biosynthesis and Signaling.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2019,20(19)
- 许作鹏,缪一栩,陈志爱,高海林,王睿璇,张宏根,刘巧泉,汤述翥.Identification and fine mapping of qGN1c, a QTL for grain number per panicle, in rice (Oryza sativa).MOLECULAR BREEDING,2019,39(9)
- 李钱峰,鲁军,余佳雯,张昌泉,何军贤,刘巧泉.The brassinosteroid-regulated transcription factors BZR1/BES1 function as a coordinator in multisignal-regulated plant growth.BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE REGULATORY MECHANISMS,2018,1861(6)561-571.